Celengan by Superbank

Start small and watch it grow! Try out Celengan by Superbank for your savings.

Automatically stash away your daily spare change effortlessly.
With Celengan you will never forget to save, you will become #superuntung.


High interest

Earn high interest rates of up to 10% per year.


Your Celengan will automatically break when it reaches a maximum savings of Rp 5 million, or you can break it whenever you need without any penalties.

Choose your own saving method

  • Save your small change
    Round up the amounts in your main savings account, and the rounded-up amount will be automatically transferred to your Celengan. You can choose the rounding-up amount yourself (ranging from rounding up by a thousand rupiah to rounding up by fifty thousand Rupiah)
  • Save a fixed amount
    Want to save more quickly? Set a fixed savings amount ranging from a thousand rupiah to fifty thousand rupiah daily into your Celengan.


Let`s see how to create a Celengan!

1 Superbank

Open the Superbank app

Click on the `Celengan` icon

2 Superbank

Choose the deposit amount

Select the amount you want to save in your Celengan

3 Superbank

Choose the saving method

Select the automatic deposit method for your Celengan

4 Superbank

Confirm and done!

Confirm the details, and congratulations! Your Celengan has been successfully created!


1. Save your spare

Item Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Daily changes in funds (debit/credit). -10,000 127,500 0 232,500 -152,000
Initial balance of primary savings 1,124,400 1,247,500 1,240,000 1,472,500 1,318,000
Small change in Celengan (`No Auto-fill` feature) -4,400 -7,500 0 -2,500 -8,000
Remaining main savings balance (after automatic saving process) 1,120,000 1,240,000 1,240,000 1,470,000 1,310,000
Balance in Celengan 4,400 11,900 11,900 14,400 22,400
  • Selected nominals for top-up :
    Top-up amount up to Rp 10,000. Round up the balance to Rp 10,000 daily.

  • Activated savings method feature:
    Without auto top-up.

2. Fixed nominal savings

Item Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Daily changes in funds (debit/credit). 0 127,500 0 232,500 0
Initial balance of primary savings 1,124,400 1,241,900 1,231,900 1,454,400 1,444,400
Small change in Celengan (`No Auto-fill` feature) -10,000 -10,000 -10,000 -10,000 -10,000
Remaining main savings balance (after automatic saving process) 1,114,400 1,231,900 1,221,900 1,444,400 1,434,400
Balance in Celengan 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
  • Chosen top-up amount scenario:
    Top-up amount up to Rp 10,000,-

  • Activated savings method feature:
    Auto top-up


Frequently asked questions

There are two features for automatic saving in the Celengan, namely: the `Tanpa Auto-isi` feature and the `Auto-isi` feature.

  • `Tanpa Auto-isi` Feature: The Main Savings Account balance will be debited toward (rounded up) to the chosen Deposit Amount if there is any banking activity/transaction causing a change in the Main Savings Account balance on that day.
  • `Auto-Isi` Feature: The Main Savings Account balance will be debited by the chosen Deposit Amount every day without the need for any banking activity/transaction.

If your Main Savings Account balance is insufficient, the debit will fail.

For example, you choose a Deposit Amount of Rp 5,000. The balance in your Main Savings Account today is Rp 104,790, and there is banking activity/transaction. The system will automatically debit an amount of Rp 4,790 from the Main Savings Account, which will be deposited into your Celengan.

Every day at 7 AM (WIB), the system will automatically debit from your Main Savings Account. Make sure your Main Savings Account balance is sufficient.

The Celengan can only be used for automatic saving and cannot be used as a source account for fund transfer activities or bill payments, and the like.

You can wait for the Celengan to automatically break when it reaches the maximum balance of Rp 5 million, or you can manually break it anytime you need without penalties.

For more information, you can check on the Tariff, Fees, and Limits page.