
Supplier Guideline

Superbank Procurement organization is responsible to ensure that we source and procure products and services from qualified suppliers who can meet our needs related to cost, quality, delivery, innovation, and business strategy. We are committed to the fair treatment, professional and transparent way of business. 

As part of Superbank sourcing process, all suppliers will be subject to due diligence. In order to comply with data protection laws we are required to notify our intentions regarding the use of your data, please refer to Superbank Privacy Notice. We encourage our suppliers with effective management systems (e.g., International Organization for Standardization (ISO), etc.) that utilize the best available techniques and to strive to continuously improve their performance.

An executed contract or an official Purchase Order (PO) is required prior to order fulfilment. When a supplier receives a contract or a purchase order from Superbank, it carries the obligation to supply the ordered goods or services at the agreed-upon price and terms.

During the life of a supplier relationship, Superbank runs regular monitoring activities to manage the supplier relationship and any associated risks. Additional information from suppliers may be required as part of our regular monitoring activities. It is critical that the supplier is supportive to all Superbank requests in order to avoid delays or avoid cancellation of the engagement with Superbank.

In addition, Superbank also asks our employees to act in line with Bank’s internal conduct, value and behaviour standards. We expect our suppliers to pursue to these same standards in their business practices and daily interactions to assure that all employees and assigned agents understand and adhere to these standards.

Superbank takes seriously all matters relating to the ethical conduct and behaviours between Superbank and its suppliers. When encountering, or having concerns about the ethical conduct for its interaction with Superbank, including relating to bribery and corruption, suppliers should immediately report through our vendor disclosure channel

For more information on supplying to Superbank, please contact